
LIFE VIDALIA will take part in technical exchange of knowledge with other projects, including other projects supported by LIFE, which will aim to establish and maintain a direct and regular contact with teams of other projects working with conservation of endemic flora species in Macaronesia. This will make it possible for the project team to benefit from direct observation of other projects results and lessons learnt, to maintain active networking along the project developments and to make the knowledge and experience gathered during this project’s lifetime available to other projects’ teams who can make further use of them.

Besides, LIFE VIDALIA will implement Capacity Building Workshops to disseminate project results and lessons learnt from other Macaronesian authorities, and a Final Conference that shall address the project’s results and conclusions taking into account the strategies and methodologies applied by the project team.

Although the project will end by 2023, technical networking and dissemination are expected to continue thereafter.

LIFE VIDALIA – 2nd Terchnical Workshop: “Invasive Alien Flora: Species Diversity, Geographic Patterns, Control Methodologies and Conservation LIFE Projects”

LIFE VIDALIA completes Networking visit to projeto LIFE DUNAS, on Porto Santo, Madeira Archipelago

Read the full article here.

01.06.2021 – LIFE VIDALIA 1st Technical Workshop – The Conservation of Endemic Flora