LIFE VIDALIA foresees a set of works that has the purpose to raise awareness on the project’s objectives, the target species and the needs for their conservation among local students. Proposed activities will focus more deeply in the three islands that are a target of conservation works but also involve schools from the other six Azorean Islands.
Trio vidália contra as invasoras

“Trio vidália contra as Invasoras“, a comic book whose theme is focused on the issue of invasive alien species.
LIFE VIDALIA | 30.04.2021 | 𝗔𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲: 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗮́𝗹𝗶𝗮 – 𝗱𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗼 𝗳𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗼! (Activity in Portuguese)
Atividade de monitorização da vidália (Azorina vidalii) – único género endémico de flora vascular dos Açores, em que se são descritas as suas caraterísticas principais, destacando-se o ciclo de vida, com o propósito de sensibilizar para a sua preservação.
Autor: Parque Natural de São Miguel – Centro de Interpretação Ambiental da Caldeira Velha
Publicação: AZORINA S.A. (2021)
Ficha de recurso: PDF
Suporte: PDF
LIFE VIDALIA | Challenge – Do you know all these exotic species?
Today, LIFE VIDALIA launches a new challenge: test your knowledge about the exotic flora that occur in the Azorean islands.
Click on the image to take the quiz!
#ProgramaLIFE #LIFEProgramme #Natura2000 #Açores #Azores #LIFEVIDALIA #conservação #conservation #Azorinavidalii #Lotusazoricus #Pico #Faial #SãoJorge
#Espéciesexóticas #exoticspecies#Espéciesinvasoras #Invasivespecies #desafio #challenge #test
LIFE VIDALIA | Do you know all of these species?
Put your knowledge of the native flora of the Azorean coasts to the test. Accept this invitation try to identify some Azorean plants. Some are native, others endemic. But how many do you know? Click on the image and find out. Good luck!
#ProgramaLIFE #LIFEProgramme #Natura2000 #Açores #Azores #LIFEVIDALIA #conservação #conservation #Azorinavidalii #Lotusazoricus #Pico #Faial #SãoJorge #espéciesnativas #nativespecies #EspéciesEndémicas #Endemicspecies #desafio #challenge #test
LIFE VIDALIA | Challenge – Which of these species are endemic?
Take this Quiz that will put your knowledge of the flora of the Azorean islands to the test. If you live in this archipelago, you probably have already come across the species that appear in the photographs, but do you know which of them occur only in the Azores? Find out now. Click on the image to reply. Good luck!
#ProgramaLIFE #LIFEProgramme #Natura2000 #Açores #Azores #LIFEVIDALIA #conservação #conservation #Azorinavidalii #Lotusazoricus #Pico #Faial #SãoJorge #espéciesnativas #nativespecies #EspéciesEndémicas #Endemicspecies #desafio #challenge #test