Project Beneficiaries

Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change (Coordinating Beneficiary)

Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change (Coordinating Beneficiary)

The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change has the mission to ensure the maintenance of environmental quality, nature conservation, the protection of ecosystems, as well as the management of water resources and an efficient planning of land use. 

This Secretariat prioritises the investment in renewable energy production, the reinforcement of investment in energy micro-production, as well as to progress in the transition to electric mobility. Another priority will be to improve efficiency in waste prevention and management in the Region.

The Regional Secretariat for Environment and Climate Change also focuses on the water resources management and the protection of the most debilitated and sensitive ecosystems, as well as the pursuit of a true territorial planning policy, landscape protection, environmental valuation, integrating the civil society and engaging local authorities and all economic agents.

Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate Change (Associated Beneficiary)

Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate Change (Associated Beneficiary)

The Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate Change, within the scope of its competences, which include Nature Conservation, with the management of protected areas and of species and habitat of the Natura 2000 Network, and the promotion of Environmental Quality, in the matters of climate change, environmental noise, air quality and waste, contributes to the macro objective of taking advantage of the geostrategic position of the Azores and its wealth in terms of resources, promoting its diversity, scale and area of influence.

This Regional Directorate thus seeks to reconcile different uses, activities and interests, in a context of public utility, promoting its biophysical integrity and the conservation of its natural and scenic values, and ensuring, in this small scattered territory of limited resources, the quality of life of populations and the existence of high environmental quality standards, simultaneously, emphasizing sustainability and resilience.